Season 7 Episode 2 | "Educational Queen" Mickey MacKaben on Her Experience with READY

Season 7 Ep 2: "Educational Queen" Mickey MacKaben on Her Experience with READY

Anybody who tuned in last season probably remembers my conversation with Mickey MacKaben about staying open to your true nature. Well, good news: she's back, baby! Mickey is a healing artist, visual channel, creative coach — and a graduate from my program READY. This week, I'm sharing our conversation where we discussed the program, and her experience with it, in depth.

Mickey and I talked about:

  • Her experiences both during and after READY

  • The ways those experiences have rippled outwards to other parts of her life — not just her business!

  • How having a safe container for her own healing made it possible to process and put down shame

  • The grey areas, nuances and a-ha moments along the way

"I am finding my voice in a way I never knew I would be able to find it.[...] It all has to do with feeling safe, feeling secure, and that allows my voice to come through because of the space provided in our program. And I have been in a lot of freakin' programs! I am the educational queen, I love to learn, I love to have other ways to support others."
Mickey, thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me, and with all the Serving it HOT listeners! If you want to hear more from Mickey, be sure to check out her first appearance on the show: Season 6 Episode 16!

I'm so happy that you're here with me. As always, I would absolutely love to hear from you. If you have questions, or a topic you'd like me to cover, or anything else, don't be shy! Just shoot me an email at

If you're already all-in on READY, these links are for you!
Step 1: Review Information on Website:
Step 2: Complete the Application form:
Step 3: Book a call with yours truly here:

See you next week!

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of the show (with closed captioning) in the Trauma-Sensitive Leadership FB Community. Come join us here if you haven't already!

You can read the transcript

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