Season 7 Episode 1 | Getting Ready To Cross A Threshold

2022 is here and so is season SEVEN of Serving it HOT!! Can you tell I'm excited? Truth be told I have a lot of things to be excited about, but #1 on the list is the new cohort of my grief, loss, and trauma-sensitive certification program READY that I'll be kicking off in March.

Because of that, I'm going to do things a little differently this season. "Marketing" myself has never been my favorite thing in the world, so you might say that this is a bit of an experiment for me. I want to spend this season doing an in-depth look at READY.

We're going to talk about how I created it, what people can expect from it, and feature interviews from previous students!

Thank you so, so much for joining me and listening in. More than ever, I would love to hear from you. Answering questions and having deep conversations have truly made READY a stronger and more effective program — so please, don't be shy! Send me an email at

If you're already all-in on READY, these links are for you!
Step 1: Review Information on Website:
Step 2: Complete the Application form:
Step 3: Book a call with yours truly here:

You can tune in here:

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You can watch the video version
of the show (with closed captioning) in the Trauma-Sensitive Leadership FB Community. Come join us here if you haven't already!

You can read the transcript

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